Saturday, January 15, 2011

My take on Organized religion.

A little time on my hand, I want to rant, a bit.

Some people maybe grossly shocked to hear me say this, but that is because they are incapable of thinking for themselves.

Organized religion has no rational basis. It is said that, religion is for the weak minded who are afraid of what would happen to them in the afterlife should they not obey what they are told. It provides convenient ways for people to live with their ignorance. It makes your mindset incredibly dysfunctional which overwhelms your mind with a burly load of false beliefs. Clarity remains forever elusive. I will cite Stephen Weinberg words to support my rants. "Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it, you'd have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, it takes religion."

These immutable words by Stephen Weinberg recapitulate the crux of this piece.

I am tired of the gullibility of the majority of human population. Organized religion doesn't prop any intelligence in it votaries. It trumpet and thrive on the primordial notion that, you don't have to foster your own thoughts, and that, the application of logic is not necessary in this mathematical and quantum world. It expand on the basis that, all there is to this world are fairy tales and believing in the unverified and illogic. It spurns human point of view, nature and science, completely.

Inarguably, baleful and silly system such as organized religion does not provide a reasonable ground for clear thinking.

The primary theme of organized religion is to dissociate good from evil. In distinguishing good from evil, religion has done more to promote evil. It’s a widely established fact that throughout history, religion has been the cause of many crimes committed against humanity. Great examples include:

Priests hiding behind robes to sexually abuse boys.
The inquisition
The crusades
The Jihads
The holocaust
Radical islamists
All sort of religious radicalism, et al

Furthermore, there is a directory of dictators who were religious and based their rule on fear and religious persecutions.

Hitler, for instance, was a deeply religious person. There is no doubt the decision to gas 6 million jews was reached based on his religious convictions. Bellow is a quote from Mein Kampt to solidify this point.

"Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord." - Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

Organized religion also remains a tool for dividing people. It proliferates on the calculations that, If you are not one of us, then you are one of “them” which makes you an infidel and a legitimate target for discrimination, terrorism, etc.

To date, I have not meddled God into my rant have I. You know why? Because so hard as organized religion try to link it atrocities to God, any such link is terribly lacking. I can perfectly argue that, the concept of a “higher power” can be entirely detached from that of organized religion. Organized religion, doubtlessly is a man-made institution entirely run by mortal men. There’s no evidence whatsoever that, God, if he/she/it exist, inspired divinely the creation of sects and groups to mutilate, murder, persecute, etc others based on what they choose to believe. It doesn’t make many sense to suggest God, if he/she/it exist support all the atrocities committed by organized religion against humanity. The concept of “higher power” is merely being used by men hiding behind religion to manipulate your fears for their own advantage which includes:

Enrich themselves.
The desire for power and control.
To make their adherents tractable and stupid.
To brainwash their followers and continue to extort their hard earned money.

I don’t believe God support these ecclesiastical crimes does he. But...does God speaks in clear terms? Absolutely not. So self-proclaimed prophets and men of God are using the inability of God to make global pronouncement in a large and clear speakers to thrust their agendas on the throat of the gullible.

The concept of a “higher power” can be entirely branched off from that of organized religion, as obviously there are no common grounds to link them. To those who believe in God, communicate with your God or Gods directly instead of using third-party intermediaries. You can babble directly to your God and at the same time reject organized religion entirely.

2 Responses to “My take on Organized religion.”

Anonymous said...

Real talk man, Religion has nothing to do with righteousness...

Anonymous said...

"Heaven is not a place beyond the clouds where u go after death.Heaven is was and always will be in the minds of Godly people. "

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