Sunday, November 28, 2010


Bombing North Korea, Iran and other terrror supporter states panacea to all human ills?

Waking up from the most horrific nightmare (I blew up the brain of a man with 55 caliber sniper for standing in my way), I turned to my itunes, as usual to preview the latest Rock and Alternative releases, I accidentally dragged the news tab on my Firefox unto the screen which lead me unto the telegraph UK home page. Quickly, my attention was drawn to the new exclusive footage inside of North Korea acquired secretly. Horrendous, horror, the mindless communist thugs, Kim and his party has taken hostage of their countrymen at a gun point! The people of North Korea are starving, and deprived of any right to freely express themselves. I quickly browsed through other news outlets, and, North Korea, I say is going totally mad! They has placed surface-to-surface missiles on launch pads in the Yellow Sea, only few miles away from the presence of one of the most sophisticated military hardware ever invented; The nuclear-powered USS George Washington. I understand the war games between US and South Korea has just began. Wonderful, I say!

Handy work of the mindless regime of North Korea!

In this escalation, South has demonstrated a sense of maturity by avoiding a full confrontation. North have nothing to loose in a full out war. Seoul would be filled with smokes which will see a world go through a yet another round of unimaginable economic crisis. The mindless thugs of North are likely to target Tokyo at the same time. I can not be deprived of my Samsung products from South Korea, neither my Japanese Sushi preserved meal due to the moronic attitude of the mindless rulers of North Korea!

All of this, yet, once again, lead me into contemplation.

How are the thugs of North going to reach into their hearts to find that glorious inner-peace that will enables this impetuous aggression to wither and die?

The world has gone to sleep on the thuggery of North's mindlessness. It worries me.

They can not be allowed to us their feeble nuclear capabilities as a threat to do as they wish in the region.

The crux of this is the communist regime of China using the North to display their belligerence in the region. This is unacceptable! Why don't they come out of their true colors? We all know the North needed a green light from the world power neighbor to send those artillery into South's territory.

The initial aggressive move was made by the North Koreans when it torpedoed a South Korean corvette, with the loss of over sixty lives. These mindless provocations are to show the world North is a force to reckoned with. What these silly buggers on their tripeshiters don’t seem to realize is that the mentalities of Communists are so crude and stupid, if allowed to get away with acts of violence just to prove that they CAN, they tend to go as far as they can – as history has shown clearly to be the case.

The West needs to show it’s teeth occasionally, as one would to a nutty dog, or whatever. There are many dangers facing the world’s stability, Communism and it’s pinky, more weak-gutted ally, Socialism. Then there are the religious freaks, who are blinded to the realism of life; their avant-garde terrorists would destroy any living human or beast to get their crazy way. The others come down the scale in order of danger, but do wreak havoc and destruction in differing ways – drug cartels, and the money men of societies, the bankers, the speculators, the asset-strippers who destroy potential for good. The mentalities of the simply ugly people of the human race – the burglars. the sadistic, the parasites that only take, the creatures that pick on the weak and vulnerable are simply beyond our abilities to take out permanently. As one goes to prison, another takes it’s place.

But to just leave them alone to fester and eat away at human development like a cancer is a no-no. We cannot ignore, we must react to all threats, whether it’s simply a case of vandalism, mindless violence, or a mentally-unhinged regime which threatens stability and the desire to exist in a peaceful atmosphere of co-operation.

My heart and support, at this time, is with all South Koreans and the orientals.

It is time China advices their little shit proxy to behave well or the international community jointly will go in to destroy it permanently!

Where is Dubya when you need him!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Riz Khan: Multiculturalism in Europe

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Riz Khan: Secret CIA prisons

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Riz Khan: The pitsfalls of Porn.

In this episode of Riz Khan, the effects of pornography is discussed.


Riz Khan: Making human rights universal.

Riz Khan of Aljazeera sit face to face with Salil Shetty, General Secretary of Amnesty International to discuss how human rights campaigns should be made universal without bias.

In this episode, my comment was highlighted.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Rescue plan for Chile Miners

This illustration from Le Figaro explains in detail how the trapped men are to be rescued, if all goes to plan.

Monday, January 25, 2010


Some gun collections.

My favorite gun collections.

This Walther SSP .22LR Target Pistol is incredible. It is stylish and classic. I'm saving up for this one.

Who said this Colt 1911 Special Combat Gov't .45acp pistol isn't incredible?

Heckler & Koch Mark 23 MK 23 .45aco. Gracious. I could hide this in my pant and yet scare off the bad guys!!

Ooooh lawd isn't this what Robert Ford used to gun down Jesse James himself? My type of a gun by Traditions. This is the 1858 Rem. Army Black Powder Revolver. 44cal stainless.

This Kimber Marias 20ga Grade II 30" is one of my favorite shotguns.
See more of it.

This Kimber Gold COmbat Stainless II .45acp is toooo bad.

I could live all alone on the Pakistani lawless borders with this BARRETT 82A1 SEMI .50 cal. I can scare off Bin Laden himself with this! This reminds me of shooter!

Ha-ha-ha-ha, where is John Dillinger? I could rob the BOA with this Kahr 45 ACP 50 + 1 Round 45ACP w/ 10.5.

This is Bushmaster 10 + 1 50 BMG w/ 30". I can take you out from a long distance with this ;-)

This simple TCA PRO-HUNTER pistol is simply amazing. I could take out the eye of an owl with this from a long distance.

One for the ladies. This is Smith & Wesson 642LS .38 Spl+P.